dimanche 16 octobre 2022

Trust yourself

Jay Shetty said : « how do you feel about yourself is the most important question that we get to answer as humans. The most successful people in the world, do not let society define their worth. They do not wear something because they think society will respect it. They don’t live somewhere because they think society will think something of it. They live & breath & act in a way that they respect themselves”.


When I look at her and look at this picture I see a woman that is tired, that has a lot of scars; though, she is confident, she is proud of herself and acknowledge her own truth (not always easy). She finally found a job she loves, where she can be herself and bring some hope to people’s lives. This job, that came from nowhere, is a kind of revenge on life : after constantly hearing I had a very good cv but at the same time, being turned down by so many institutions, organizations’…I get today to sit on the chair of the person helping others to get a job and have access to all those people that were scrutinizing my cv and rejecting it. I take it as a blessing, work hard as always and try to do my best until one day I will start another new chapter. This life has way more in store for me. 

On my last year’s vision board, one of my wishes was to do something that would positively impact people’s lives. It is happening, on a daily basis and that is the best gift I could give to complete strangers.


We are constantly healing: every day is a new journey with its highs and downs. This year is passing by so fast : it has been emotionally exhausting.

There have been some fears and still are : waiting for the results of my thesis at the beginning of the year, doing my last medical check in a few weeks and hopefully being able to say goodbye for good to the door “36”.


There have been losses : I lost my second pillar “my uncle”. Within two years I lost my 2 pillars that were balancing my life. I still cry them a lot and constantly think of them. I know they are always with me. 


Pain and heartbreaks from people you trusted and you loved. Though, there has also been new meaningful friends, more laughter, more smile, more dancing, more trust in the universe, in the moons, in my powerful God, more trust that miracles are on their ways. Me, getting my Master and soon attending my graduation. Another reason to be proud of myself and to celebrate myself.


This woman never ever gives up: she has a huge and generous heart, she is an oversensitive, an overthinker, an overlover and she will never change because that is all that make her so special.


She looked at this picture and realized that finally she is ready to turn the 37 year's page and fully live her 38th year. She was not ready for the past 6 years and she is so looking forward to all the new experiences that are on their ways.


I will finish this article on these lines of gratitude:


To heartbreak,

Thank you for breaking me wide open, again and again

And giving birth to a new me that keeps believing and dreaming.


To dissatisfaction,

Thank you for helping me to unlock my greatness

And see the potential that lies within me.


To failure

Thank you for alerting me to what isn’t working

And allowing me to fall and stand up again again, 

And to gain greater experience, understanding and clarity.


To loneliness

Thank you for teaching me to comfort myself and better appreciate my own company.


To betrayal

Thank you for alerting me to those 

Who aren’t operating from a place of truth and authenticity.


To rejection

Thank you for redirecting me

And for teaching me to love myself enough to 

Let go of those who are no longer aligned with me.


To abandonment

Thank you for teaching me to show up for myself fully

When others fail to show up for me.


To pain

Thank you for giving me space

To feel my feelings non-judgmentally

And heal and mend from what has hurt me.


To Love

Thank you for showing me that there are still some genuine people whose love is pure and uninterested.

Thank you for showing me that a few do care and will not let me down.


And to myself

Thank you for being strong enough to honour these experiences

And allow them to empower you

To heal, grow, evolve, transform

And become all that you are capable of being.

Slowly but surely climbing the mountain.

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